Before You Visit

Is There Parking for Guests?

Yes. We want to honor you as our guest and provide special parking to have easy access to our worship area and elevator if needed. Parking for our guests is located near the welcome center door that is near the South Everett Road side of our facility. As you enter the building, our host team will make sure you know just where to go. In the back parking lot there is a welcome tent where our greeter staff assists with directions and information.

Is There a Dress Code?

No. Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you when you come to Everett Hills. You can "dress up" if you want , or wear casual clothes. God is interested in your heart, not your wardrobe

Will I Be Singled Out If I'm New?

Absolutely not. You are our guest. Each Sunday, there are many people just like you who are checking out Everett Hills for the first time. You will feel welcomed.

What About My Kids?

Everett Hills makes it a priority to minister to your children. We offer a nursery on Sunday morning and Children's worship time for kids between the grades of 1st through 4th, except on the first Sunday of the month when the children worship with their parents. Our Goal is to make church on Sunday and Wednesday a highlight of your child's week. We believe in a safe environment for our children. All workers are background checked and secure check-in measures are taken to ensure the safety of each child. The secure check-in area for children is located on the third floor near the nursery.

Ephesians 2:21 CSB

In Him the whole building, being put together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.